For this purpose, various software

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For this purpose, various software

Post by thouhidul32 »

Processing data and preparing traffic management schemes.
One of the most labor-intensive tasks was processing a large volume of data. In total, within the framework of the project, specialists managed to photograph and process about 3,700 kilometers of roads.

packages were used: IndorTrafficPlan for creating a traffic management scheme (TMS) and solutions from saudi arabia phone number Autodesk for processing scanning results and adjusting drawings, since they were used in the customer’s offices at the first stages of the project.


This caused additional problems: the customer used an old version of the product and equipment that could not handle large volumes of data. For this reason, road maps were divided by administrative district boundaries. The complexity of the task also increased when working with IndorTrafficPlan: with each update of the software, the structure of the XML file for uploading road maps to the database changed.

Uploading data into a specialized database for subsequent analysis and accounting.
After collecting the data, specialists began entering it into the unified ISOGD system, since in 2022 the customer set the task of creating an automated document management system with the contractor. Within the framework of this system, it is planned to integrate various information models and text data to improve the process of organizing road traffic.

The main problems in performing this task were based on the specifics of the DWG format in which the PDDs are developed. Egor Grebenyuk noted the following problems: the lack of semantic tools, violations of parameterization and coordinate referencing, etc. All these factors became, among other things, the reason for the rapid obsolescence of the schemes.

To maintain the relevance of the data, a coordination system was developed in the form of a web application interacting with a GIS server, all changes in which must pass through a regional operator (in this project, a division of the Committee for Transport in St. Petersburg) and then automatically sent to the database and accumulated in the form of graphic information. This information can then be used for reconstruction, modernization and construction projects for new facilities.

To overcome the problems associated with the development and further use of DWG diagrams, applications were developed for importing, validating and exporting data using nanoCAD and AutoCAD programs based on the "code uniformity" principle. Thus, Egor Grebenyuk gave an example of developed configuration files that allowed working with the contents of a drawing and correlating objects on different layers, as well as comparing objects and their properties with the fields and attributes of a geographic information system element.

Final words
At the end of his speech, Yegor Grebenyuk made several conclusions: at the moment, processing schemes in DWG format entails a large amount of labor and financial costs. The system he described earlier will appear in other regions in different versions that will not be related to each other. And the burden of data conversion will fall on the shoulders of ordinary engineers.

He also noted that the demand for developers to integrate BIM data into ISOGD, who will work with the Indor , Topomatic Robur and KREDO software packages, will also increase .
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