5. Layout
Making a collage has never been so easy as with this app from Instagram. From 2 to 9 photos in a collage: it always looks tight and great!
6. Prisma
You can turn your photos into a Van Gogh, Gauguin or other painting style in no time with this special app.
7. Facetune Swipe away
your wrinkles and imperfections with your finger , a facelift has never been so cheap and painless. 8. Hyperlapse Play back movements that last a long time in a short time, such as a sunset, a busy intersection or a car ride. With an addition that ensures that your video does not wobble too much. This app is also from Instagram. 9. Boomerang In the animated gif series, Boomerang (from Instagram) is one with which you can make animated gifs yourself. Nice for short movements of a few seconds, such as a jump, a dance or a wink. 10. Cinemagraphs An app in the animated gif series, where one or more elements move in a photo. Super simple in execution, difficult to think of the right situation: you record a video and swipe your finger over the area that you want to move in the still (photo).
Snapchat lenses, Insta Stories and livestreams have become an integral part of our daily smartphone communication. Thanks to apps on our smartphones, we have all become photographers, how to get japanese phone number videographers and designers and thanks to social media, many people have relevant followers. As a result, we have all become magazine or TV makers, with the audience right there.
alwaysonIf everyone creates visual content 24/7, a TV show like Big Brother is no longer necessary. There are already quite a few people who livestream their lives 24/7, this is called livecasting . But of course, this is not of interest to everyone. In the future, it will mainly be about curating special moments. Assume that everything and everyone is recorded, and that everything that is special will be picked out and shared on popular platforms anyway.
Develop your own visual language
Thanks to the visual revolution, everyone can create and view impactful visual content. A democratization of visual communication. But not everyone or every brand can become popular just like that of course, creating the right visual content for your target group on the right channel is essential. Your visual language is becoming even more important than it already was.
Your corporate identity is just one part of this. Ask yourself these questions: what type of photos or videos are you, in what style and with what subjects? If you want to make an impact in the future, people must recognize your visual language everywhere and on every channel. Therefore, work together with designers and experiment.