Targeting: Identify and segment your target audience

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Targeting: Identify and segment your target audience

Post by seodata »

This step is about determining or redefining who your ideal customers are, what they are looking for, and how your product or service meets their needs.

To do this you will need to analyze the personas (type of position such as CFO or HRD) and the KPIs (type of company if you are in B2B, such as industrial SMEs with fewer than 200 people in the west of France)... but also perhaps review your segmentation.

Many companies think they know their customers. No america cell phone number list way! Put all the sales and marketing teams in a meeting room and ask them to define their 4 or 5 typical customers. You may be in for some surprises!

Ultimately it is about planning how many prospect accounts do you have in these personas/ICPs and how do you plan to attract them? This is also called Account Based Marketing , marketing of key accounts.

New call-to-action

2.4. Develop specific strategies to achieve your goals.

This is about determining what you are going to do concretely to achieve the objectives set above.

Read also: 10 keys to revive your business development

If you have defined that each salesperson in your team must make one more prospect visit per week (or a video conference), you will have to equip them and help them better organize their time and their schedule. This is where we come into sales productivity. It is not about working more but about working better and to do this you will need to have efficient tools (see below).
If you need to increase your turnover by 10% in the first quarter, what actions are planned on the marketing side? (launch of new products, expansion into new markets, implementation of an effective digital acquisition strategy, etc.) or improvement of sales tactics.
If you want to increase the conversion of quotes to customers by 30% to 40% this year, have you planned to implement quotes with electronic signature or contract management, the effectiveness of which is no longer in doubt? Or even the optimization of the sales process .

2.5. Resource planning:
So you've done your analysis, set your goals, studied the market and the it's time to make sure you have the resources to execute the plan.

If your N+1 wants to win the Champions League in 12 months, but is starting from National 1 and does not have the means to achieve his ambitions, there are 2 solutions left:

Revise your objectives downwards
Review your resources upwards

We still come across many companies that have been stagnating for 4 or 5 years and want to make “+20% turnover” without launching a product, without having an additional salesperson, without investing in marketing , without sales promotion , without tools… all in a market that is reaching a ceiling.

Suffice to say that in general, and not having a magic wand, we move on.

Budget :
Ask yourself the following questions:

What is the sales and marketing budget (including digital) that you will allocate to achieve your objectives?
What is the customer acquisition cost (CAC) that should not be exceeded?

Ask yourself the following questions:

What resources (internal and external) do you have?
Are there any hirings planned?
Do you have an outsourced marketing part?
Are there any training courses scheduled to improve commercial skills or sales techniques ?
Are you perfectly aligned with other departments : marketing, service?
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