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Reasons to Take a Break

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:18 am
by RAkib1@#
So what, a break?
Are you a high-energy person lesotho email list 150000 contact leads
who can work 14 hours a day and use forced breaks productively, to develop other projects or learn languages?

Or maybe you are trying to shine in a new job, earn a promotion, or quickly gain experience and that is why you work non-stop?

No matter what your reason is for giving up breaks, we'll convince you that it's not worth it!

Discover 8 Scientific Reasons to Take a Break
Work smart, not hard. To maintain good results, while not losing your health and positive attitude, and to keep your heart and enthusiasm going, you sometimes have to press “PAUSE”!

Some of the suggested methods will only be suitable for home office, others will work both in the office and remote work. They all have one thing in common: they all improve your well-being and at the same time contribute to increased efficiency at work.

But be careful: it's not about doing more and more, but about achieving better results with less effort!

1. Petting your pet reduces stress and improves team interactions

What if you could combine your right to a break from work with your pet's right to be petted?

There’s a reason why office dogs are becoming more common. Studies show that interacting with a dog or cat can lower your cortisol (stress hormone) levels, improve your mood, and even boost your cognitive abilities!

According to research from the University of Washington, petting a dog has a more beneficial effect on reducing stress and improving the ability to plan, concentrate, motivate and focus than traditional programs designed for this purpose. Just 10 minutes of petting a dog a day brings the desired results!