Claim letter about a product of inadequate quality

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Claim letter about a product of inadequate quality

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

A letter of complaint about a defective product is sent to the following addressees:

to the supplier in the event of delivery of goods that do not comply with the terms of the contract;

an organization that sold a low-quality product to a buyer.

Most of these letters are sent for the purpose of protecting consumer rights.

They always indicate what solution the sender expects from the addressee. If the issue concerns a poor-quality product, the sender can choose one of the following solutions, which should be set out in the letter:

replace the product with a similar one, but of proper quality;

exchange the product for the same one, but of a different algeria email list 1.76 million contact leads brand or article number (with or without additional payment);

reduce the price according to the defects;

eliminate all defects free of charge;

pay for the elimination of defects made by the consumer or a third party;

return all money paid by returning the goods to the seller (the costs of returning the goods are borne by the seller).

Important! The deadlines for filing a claim letter must comply with the time frames established by law.

In addition to the requirements stipulated by the law on consumer protection, a letter of claim about a defective product must include supporting information. This may be attached documents confirming the fact of purchase and the poor quality of the product, such as:

copies of checks, receipts;

a copy of the technical data sheet of the product;

a copy of the warranty card for repairs;

act of examination of technically complex goods and others.

Document for download

Sample of a claim letter about a defective product

Letter of claim regarding violation of delivery terms
Refers to the category of claims for breach of contract terms. The delivery time is one of the key obligations fixed in the contract. Therefore, its violation is sufficient grounds for writing a letter of claim, which precedes filing a lawsuit in court. Such a letter can be sent by both an individual and a legal entity.

Letter of claim regarding violation of delivery terms


It is important to take into account that it is a sample of official business correspondence, therefore it must contain the necessary details:

recipient's contact details;

contact details of the sender;

document title: “Claim under the supply agreement”;

justification of the claim indicating the violation of delivery deadlines with reference to the relevant provisions of the contract;

signature of the CEO and/or head of the legal department, as well as the organization’s seal;

appendices containing copies of all official documents referred to in the text of the claim (contract, payment order, invoice, etc.).

This will allow you to emphasize the seriousness of the requirements being presented and document the grounds for the appeal.

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Important nuances of preparing and drafting a claim letter
The GOST R ISO 10002-2020 standard "Quality management. Customer satisfaction. Guidelines for complaints management in organizations", adopted on April 4, 2021, defines the concept of a complaint as follows:

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction:


work of the organization;

directly by the complaints management process in situations where an answer or decision is expected, explicitly or implicitly.

In the event that one company makes a claim against another, it is important that the business partner has actually violated something: a contract, agreement, terms of delivery, rules, regulations or law. Then your claim will be justified, since you demand compliance with the violated obligations.

This is extremely important. When preparing a document, it is necessary to clearly define which rights were violated, which clause of the agreement was not observed, which condition was violated. Otherwise, your claim (complaint) loses its meaning.

How to prepare a letter of complaint


Another helpful tip: write the letter immediately after the breach of obligations is recorded. This is important for several reasons:

If the guilty party admits their guilt and is willing to correct the situation, there is a very high probability of resolving the problem with minimal losses.

If guilt is denied, the dispute may drag on and escalate into litigation, so the sooner you start it, the better.

Before drafting your letter, make sure you have all the necessary factual information and documentation. This could be a contract or agreement with the offending party, court orders requiring you to take appropriate measures, etc. Prepare copies of all these documents and attach them to the main letter. If you need to refer to articles of regulatory legal acts, prepare all the necessary references in advance.

Even if you are overwhelmed by strong emotions at the moment of writing, it is important to keep the text style businesslike, concise and neutral. It is necessary to avoid rudeness and threats. Perhaps your problem is the result of a misunderstanding, and your partner will be ready to make concessions. In such a situation, it is important to maintain polite communication in order to maintain a good relationship.

At the beginning and end of the text of the complaint, polite formulations are especially important, which create an atmosphere of constructive dialogue.

Case: VT-metall
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