Why should a marketer tag calls, and what will autotagging change?

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Why should a marketer tag calls, and what will autotagging change?

Post by ashammi258 »

Call quality
Popular tags
Autotagging is coming soon
Tagging is the classification or marking of data according to some feature. This procedure is used wherever it is necessary to select a useful part from a flow of different information. A secretary, for example, also does tagging when sorting letters from clients and suppliers. Salespeople and marketers do the same: they put information on shelves that will help to learn more about clients and increase sales.

Call quality
A call as a channel of communication is preferred by azerbaijan phone numbers 80 to 90% of clients in different industries, so for a seller and marketer a call is an important source of information. From a phone call, a marketer learns client questions about a product or service, through which the needs of the target audience are traced.

And everything would be fine, but not all calls are useful. Every day, people call the company to collect information about the market, accidentally dialing the wrong number or deliberately to sell their services. These calls do not affect sales, and therefore do not bring benefits. The first task that tagging solves is to understand how many useful calls come from potential buyers per day, per week, per month.

Tagging is a way to collect information about high-quality requests in order to increase their number in the future, as well as better understand the needs of the target audience and reduce the time from call to sale.

Stepan Deshevykh. Senior Product Manager UIS

I am actively working on expanding the CoMagic client base in the areas of auto business, real estate and medicine. I have high expertise in cloud technologies, namely: Virtual PBX , IP telephony, call tracking , etc.

Popular tags
Common call tags: targeted or non-targeted call, first or repeat call, spam call, etc.

For detailed segmentation, one call is assigned several tags, for example, a parameter essential for further sales is added to the “target” tag: the city or region of the call, the product category, the “problem client” or “regular” tag.

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Autotagging is coming soon
Manual call tagging would look like writing down the caller's number and call tag in a special log. It's good that today such manual labor is replaced by services. Call tagging is implemented as a function of a virtual PBX or call tracking service. Tags are set in advance and are entered by pressing a button during a call or entered after the call. Then calls are sorted by tags in the report.

But even when using services, the human factor greatly influences the results of tagging. Tags are put in incorrectly or not put in at all, as a result, analytics loses accuracy.

The next step in the development of tagging is automation of the process. Autotagging technologies are already working in related areas, for example, in face recognition in streaming video. Such programs can select faces based on specified parameters. Image processing programs can select from millions of pictures only those that show, for example, a MacBook.

Autotagging of calls is impossible without speech recognition and translation into text, in order to then tag them depending on the words and structure of the conversation. This technology has already found application and will soon be integrated into telephony and call tracking services, including CoMagic.
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