If you choose technical terms, explain them

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If you choose technical terms, explain them

Post by phonedata »

Let's start with a premise: if our goal is to write a text that is clear and easy to understand, it would be preferable to use an accessible language free of technical terms . Which, instead, can only be understood by a small niche of people.

But if you decide to use them, make sure that the people you are addressing can understand what you want to communicate to them. How? By explaining the technical terms you use .

This could be helpful for the cyprus phone number example reader, without assuming that all people can understand in the same way.

Clarity is the basis of fluid understanding , on social media as well as on the web!

Reread…and delete!
One of the main rules to remember when writing on Social Media is to reread what you have written , possibly with a cool head and returning to the copy after some time . But not only that.

It is preferable to always opt to thin out the text , eliminating additional parts. Doing so at each reading helps us to keep only the essential , and therefore the most important information. Omitting what is more.

This way, only the core of what we have written will remain, meeting the needs of our audience: looking for only the main information , given their low attention span.
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