20 “magic” words and phrases to improve SEO

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20 “magic” words and phrases to improve SEO

Post by Abdur12 »

SEO is not the most important thing for a blog. Still, it doesn't hurt to use words and expressions that help improve positioning.

Carlos Bravo20
Even if you are not an SEO expert, you can get a few new visitors by using some “magic” words and phrases. This is a very basic trick, since it is based solely on directing users to the blog using those search combinations that are among the most popular on the Internet.

SEO positioning blogPhoto rights by Fotolia

Search engines are undoubtedly an important source of traffic for a blog. However, it is not a good idea to obsess over positioning, since there are factors that are more important.

Key factors other than SEO to have a successful blog

Creating a blog and starting to write is relatively easy. Standing journalist contact database out from the crowd and not abandoning it after a short time is more difficult. Success does not happen overnight. There are many factors and for each blogger these can vary. In a top 10 the following 3 points would surely be present:

Quality and quantity of content : bloggers face a dilemma about whether to focus on quality or quantity of posts. A balance must be found between posts that stand out and others of lesser quality that serve as a complement to create a critical mass of content for the blog.
Consistency in publishing : A person who discovers your blog and is satisfied with your content wants more from you. Without publishing 2-3 new posts every week, it is difficult to increase a base of loyal readers who return to your blog on a recurring basis.
Open to criticism : Nobody is perfect and even the best writer in the world has the potential to improve. Unfortunately, many bloggers, when they reach a certain level, think that the only truth that exists is published in their posts. Without paying attention to criticism and continuing to learn, success can only be short-lived.
Keyword combinations with a high number of searches

The 20 words and expressions I have listed in this post are part of some popular searches on search engines. They can be combined with many terms that adapt to practically any topic.
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