In order to be agile as an organization, every company will have to continuously develop its own way of working. The Agile Manifesto helps as a foundation. With everything you implement, check: am I falling back on an old paradigm or am I staying within the values and principles in order to achieve maximum benefits ? The organization must then stand up for itself and continue to experiment. In doing so, the organization must also accept that it sometimes does not work, because learning also means making mistakes. Agile practices can be implemented everywhere. Look within the concept to find out what could work for your organization. There is always more possible than you think. Doing Agile is the death of your organization. Being Agile makes your organization future-proof .
Good examples of the agile mindset
These are the companies that focus on values and have not been sidelined by rapid changes, technology or other obstacles. Do you still recognize the thick clothing catalogues of Wehkamp? Wehkamp has courageously changed their business model and their platform, which enabled them to be where they are in 2017, high in their professional domain, where the old competitors have almost or completely disappeared. The utility company Delta Retail (now Delta Comfort) also experienced its most successful year ever after the agile transformation.
In short: agile is the way of working, but it is still developing. Of course, focus and trust in people are still the most important things when implementing innovation quickly. With the right technology, you can really make agile work sky high . However, it all starts with the right mindset: are you agile or do you do agile? Are you agile? Then you know how to make your company grow. Do you do agile? Then the risks are very high.
To stay ahead of the competition in this fast-pacing world , you have to dare to be agile. And that takes guts. How do you turn the entire organization 90 degrees, how do you get hong kong telephone number your colleagues and even the environment on board? The experts can help you with that.
As a data processing organization, you have to deal with outdated registration systems. As an operational manager, marketer and commercial manager, you suffer from this. This makes it difficult to implement changes in products or processes. For example, with product introductions or changes in legislation and regulations. Organizations are simultaneously going through a digital transformation. How do you deal with the outdated systems in this transformation and what are the alternatives?
ICT managers also suffer from these legacy applications. They maintain costs that continue to increase over time. These are information systems that were built in the previous century, in a programming language that hardly any ICT specialists can be found for today. Those who once specified the business rules are often no longer employed within the organization.