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Why Most Bloggers Surf Wave to Wave When They Should Be Climbing Mountains

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:50 am
by Abdur12
The beginner blogger becomes obsessed with finding the perfect wave that will generate thousands of views. In reality, it is a strategy of small steps to climb the mountain.

Carlos Bravo14
If you think statistics are boring, the blogging world is probably not for you. I spent more than half an hour like a little kid unwrapping Christmas presents analyzing my blog statistics after finishing the experiment of being offline for 10 days.

The surfer bloggerPhoto rights by Fotolia

The beginner blogger, like the surfer, never tires of searching for the perfect wave
The curves of measurement tools like Google Analytics for job seeker phone number analyzing blog traffic can be as exciting as the waves on the beach in Hawaii are for a surfer. The beginning blogger is obsessed with generating tsunamis of visits to his blog. He is always looking for the next perfect wave to generate a new peak in his statistics. This strategy is completely understandable. In my case, it took me almost 8 years to realize the disadvantages that it entails:

The perfect post does not exist : the search for perfection is a waste of time. It is a brake on creativity. Our own demands are often much higher than those of our readers. Content that does not satisfy you 100% may be very well received by the people who read it.
Low posting frequency : The Pareto Principle states that the last 20% of a task takes 80% of the time. In the pursuit of perfection, we miss the opportunity to post more frequently because we want to polish a post to infinity. Viral marketing does not exist, so there is no relationship between time invested and potential visits to an article.
Demotivation if the waves don't come : You can not follow 90% of the advice on this blog and still succeed with your blog. The most important thing by far is the blogger's motivation to keep posting. It's easy to be excited for a couple of days or weeks, the hard part is turning it into the discipline needed to keep moving forward. Going from wave to wave can be frustrating especially when the peaks of visits don't come back as imagined.