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What I'm doing to get into the top 10 of Google for the keyword “marketing”

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:15 am
by Abdur12
I've noticed for a couple of months now that I've snuck into the top 20 on Google for "marketing". It's very likely that I'll appear in the top 10 soon.

Carlos Bravo24
You already know that I like challenges. It is not the easiest task in the world to get into the top 10 positions for this term. I say “marketing” as I could say any other keyword with a high level of competition. In this specific case, the term does not really represent what in SEO terms would be called in the Anglo-Saxon world a money keyword .

Sneak into Google's top 10Photo rights by Fotolia

Behind commercial keywords there is a clear interest behind the user in making a purchase. One of these examples is the combinations “mobile contract” or “car insurance”. The more words the search japanese phone number list contains, the higher the probability of getting a sale once landing on the purchase page (3 or 4 words are better than 1 or 2). Berto López from Ciudadano 2.0 describes in his blog how you can take advantage of Long Tail SEO with your blog .

Contents [ocultar]

1 Why companies and individuals want to rank keywords on Google
2 How to get into the top 10 with the keyword marketing
3 Recommended Books on SEO on Amazon (I'm an affiliate)
Why companies and individuals want to rank keywords on Google
If you are not a beginner in SEO, this paragraph is superfluous. For some, the objectives of someone who wants to get your page into the top 10 positions may be obvious. If you are just starting out with Google, it may seem like a mystery that you are slowly understanding through self-learning and your first experiments.

Getting customers and making sales : If you are not in the top 10 positions for certain products and services, you do not exist. You can have the best offer in the world, but if you are just starting out, it will be difficult for anyone to hire you because they simply will not find you. The first 3 positions can easily get up to 70% of the visits, and whoever comes out from number 4 to 10 has to settle for the remaining 30% of the traffic.