Every step, in every detail, you focus entirely on your potential candidate. Remember that every unanswered or not positively answered question in the mind of your potential candidate, drastically reduces the chance of conversion. Especially if that potential candidate can choose from different functions or companies.
Therefore, play on emotion and transparency: show yourself, tell your story. This way you create a good reason to choose you, to apply to you, and not to the other. If possible, also discuss the future perspective and make the employment conditions concrete.
Future prospects and concrete employment conditions
Which thought in the mind of a potential candidate offers a higher chance of conversion?
'This company suits me, I would like to be part of this team'
Of course, both thoughts are important. Make sure your vacancies are scannable and clear, so that the relevance quickly becomes clear.
Show what your unique business aspects are. Tell what social value you add as a company. Show your corporate culture.
But you make the difference with other companies by planting that second thought in the head of your potential candidate. You do that by showing yourself, distinguishing yourself from others. Show what your unique business aspects are. Tell what social value you add as a company. Show your corporate culture. In this way you play on the emotion of your potential candidate. You will see what that does to your application ratio and quality.
Fear often has to do with ambiguity. Therefore, make it clear how the application process works. What has been very effective for us is making the application form directly visible on the vacancy page. hong kong business email list This removes the fear of a long application form and the candidate needs one click less.
Apply Decom
Applying for a job at Decom
Furthermore, you make sure that applying is easy. Concise form, clear steps, clear button. Less is more.
Also take the following 5 tips into account:
1. Bring your company's personality into focus as vividly as possible
Be yourself. Remember: authenticity is everything. So not: 'who do we want to be?', but 'who are we?'. Is your company full of geeky nerds in polka dot blouses and happy socks? Show it.