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Should you start a blog from scratch or buy an existing project?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:11 am
by Abdur12
Have you ever considered creating a blog from scratch? If so, you might want to consider whether it's worth it to start one using an existing project.

Carlos Bravo10
You may have heard by now that I'm launching a second personal blog about running next year. Over the past 8 years I've been gaining experience setting up different blogging projects so I'm hoping that this knowledge will give me an advantage over a novice blogger.

Start or buy a blogPhoto rights by Fotolia

One of the first things you learn is that you need a lot of patience because visitors take a while to arrive. Even though I am aware of this, I am not keen on waiting 1-2 years before seeing results.

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1 The advantage of launching a blog based on an existing project
2 The advantage of starting from scratch with a virgin domain
3 Thank you for being Top 10 Bestseller on Amazon
The advantage of launching a blog based on an existing project
Patience is not my strong point any more, so I am considering japanese phone number format acquiring an existing project. There are some good reasons to take a quicker route than starting from scratch.

More trust from Google : the time factor is highly relevant to get Google's tap to open faster . The domain already has a history so the search engine already knows you. By creating good content you have a high probability of having more visibility than with a virgin domain.
Important motivational factor : Typically, at first the only person who reads your blog is your cat, because he is always by your side when you write your posts. With a project that is already underway, you have visitors from day one. Since you have made an investment to buy the blog, you will not allow yourself to abandon it so easily.
Existing community of followers : It is difficult to find a blog that does not have a social media profile or a list of subscribers. Therefore, apart from visitors, you also have readers from day one. Now it is time to continue the good work that has been done previously or even improve it.