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How to get relevant feedback to write about what interests your reader the most

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:51 am
by Abdur12
Readers are your blog's most important asset. What you want most is to generate content that is relevant and solves their problems.

Carlos Bravo10
“It’s my blog and I write about whatever I want.” I totally agree, but to a certain extent everyone lets themselves be influenced. In the vast majority of cases it is an unconscious process. We don’t realize how we let ourselves be manipulated. And that’s not a bad thing, but quite the opposite…

Reader InterviewPhoto rights by Fotolia

These are typical situations that influence bloggers on a daily basis.

Comments on posts that give us ideas for new topics.
Readers' emails always asking the same question.
Online and offline conversations you have with people who read you (or not).
Blog posts that give us the idea to start a new entry.
The value of a blog always increases when it is able to japanese email address list satisfy the needs of its readers . Then each one decides what his objective is , but if you want to get anywhere, you have to hang that phrase on your bedside table. The million-dollar question is how to know exactly what the reader needs. I have already given you some clues, but obviously more can be done.

Contents [ disguise ]

1 Ask questions in your email marketing campaigns
2 Twitter to receive new ideas for posts
3 Create a page for readers to leave you suggestions
Ask questions in your email marketing campaigns
Are you not running email marketing campaigns yet? Well, get your act together. It's not about sending emails to sell your readers something or whatever. It's more of a channel for communication and conversation with your most loyal followers. It's a tool that allows you total flexibility because it's a channel that you control (and not Google, Facebook, Twitter or others).

Adding a question at the end of a campaign is the easiest way to get a direct response ( also recommended by Pat Flynn ). You can even ask for direct feedback from time to time using email as a channel. If you want to know something, the easiest way is to ask your readers and you will get an answer.