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Why convert a personal blog into a portal blog

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:47 am
by Abdur12
Converting a personal blog into a branded portal-type blog is not without its risks. Despite the potential drawbacks, this step can make sense.

Carlos Bravo4
Just yesterday I talked about the topic of converting a personal blog into a portal-type blog with its own brand and reputation (unrelated to the author). I left out one of the most important things: the “why” of doing it. Some people have already commented on some doubts about this possible step, but it is necessary to know the context.

Blog PortalPhoto rights by Fotolia

I will soon do the first test with another project. Even so, the results cannot be transferred to this blog because (the site where I will do the test) does not yet have the japan whatsapp number list community. I have launched this blog as a personal blog but I am now going to turn it into a type portal. The main reasons for taking this step are common sense.

Contents [ hide ]

1 Turn the blog into a business
2 Generate more online advertising revenue with direct advertisers
3 Reduce blogger stress and anxiety
4 Online SEO and Conversion Course
Turning the blog into a business
A personal blog brings many advantages when it comes to building an online reputation. There may be people who want to go a step further and not only work as freelancers or consultants. Their ambition is to create a company that can function even when they are on holiday because there are others working for them. A blog can be a starting point for creating an empire . If we want to create the next Techcrunch, Huffington Post or similar, it is essential to even break that strong link that exists between the author and his community. It must be replaced by an identification with the blog, with its ideas, philosophy, etc. All these values ​​will be strongly related to those of the blogger but the link is different. The founder will remain in the spotlight but the strength of the brand can also shine without him when he is gone or someone else is writing.