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The most valuable exchange currency you have and how you can use it

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:23 am
by Abdur12
Are your lack of financial resources and skills limiting your dreams? You may not be sure that you have a very valuable asset that will help you achieve anything.

Carlos Bravo3
Would you like to set up a blog but don't know how to do it? It's probably not due to a lack of information, because you have posts like this one that explain in detail the steps to follow.

Treasure TimePhoto rights by Fotolia

Your time is worth gold
When you start out, the amount of information available can be overwhelming. Despite all the tutorials, you don't know how to approach the topic and you're stuck.

Wouldn't it be great to have someone who can help you out japan phone number list free with this? As long as you don't have a family member or friend who can handle the issue, it's a matter of paying. Finances aren't very flexible these days, so spending 200-300 euros to set up a blog isn't in your plans.

How can you solve this dilemma? The answer is simpler than you might imagine: your time .

Everyone has one. Mine is worth gold and yours too. Right now I'm in the hospital waiting room and I'm taking advantage of this supposedly dead time to type a post on my phone.

If I don't have the skills to do something, I pay someone else or I can offer to do an equivalent task myself to save them time and/or money. "I'll clean your house once a week for a month if you set up a blog for me." The currency of exchange in this case is time . Whether the deal is fair is defined by the people who agree on it. It can be so simple (and sometimes so complicated).

Time banks allow you to exchange without involving money
Our ancestors knew no other form of trade than exchanges. These did not always necessarily arise in time but above all in objects. People have evolved and have realized that the most precious thing they have is their time because it is limited.