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Recommendations for virtual meetings

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:12 am
by pappu6321
Teleworking has become very widespread in recent years and it is becoming more common to work with people who live in a city or even a country different from yours. In addition, in times of pandemic, many of us are working from home and cannot meet in person with our colleagues, suppliers, partners, etc. For all these cases, virtual meetings are a great tool, as they allow us to continue working remotely, avoiding travel and possible infections.
Training and employment
The first thing you should keep in mind is that a virtual meeting is very similar to a face-to-face meeting. Nowadays, there are many computer applications (Teams, Zoom, GoToMeting, Facetime…) that allow you to hold a video conference easily and, in many cases, for free.

Once you have selected the tool, send a meeting invitation to each of your meeting participants. It should include the date, time, a brief description or title, and a direct link to the meeting.

The first recommendation we make is to establish a list of the mexico business mailing list you want to discuss at the meeting. This, just like in a face-to-face meeting, will help you to address the issues that interest you efficiently. It is advisable that you share it with the attendees of the meeting so that they have an agenda and can also prepare for the meeting.

As for the location, look for a space with good lighting, free of possible distractions for both you and those watching you on the screen, with a good internet connection and free of noise. Using headsets will help you considerably reduce possible annoying sounds and, in addition, you will be heard better.

If possible, your computer screen should be at eye level, so the camera is aligned with your gaze and you'll look more natural. If you're using a laptop, for example, you can place some books underneath it or use a stand to raise it up.

Once you are in the meeting, respect the topics and times set out in the agenda, do not interrupt if someone is speaking and ask to speak if you want to intervene. As a tip, we recommend muting your microphone when you are not speaking to avoid noise that hinders communication.

Finally, it will be useful to make minutes of the meeting that reflect the agreements reached, the pending tasks for each person and the next steps. Share them with the rest of the attendees!

Remember, holding a virtual meeting will help you be more efficient, as you won't waste time travelling and will allow you to work with people from all over the world. This also allows you to manage your time better (here we tell you some tricks to get organized better). And if you want to organize a webinar , we explain how to do it.