You can leave a request at the link.Yandex Wordstat: How and Why to Select Keyword Egor, Internet Marketer Egor Internet Marketer / Author of the article Effective work with SEO and contextual advertising in Yandex Direct is impossible without selecting keywords. Let's look at how to use the service to analyze statistics on queries, their frequency, search regions, and monitor seasonality.
Yandex Wordstat: How and Why to Select Keyword Content Types malaysia phone number list of key queries Statistics in Wordstat Wordstat functions Definition of seasonality Issue by region Operators in Wordstat Operator! Operator + Operator “” Operator [] Operator () and I Operator - Where to use Wordstat Working with contextual advertising SEO promotion Finding keywords for content Yandex Wordstat helps to collect analytics on user queries in Yandex: that is, how often and in what quantities people type in the search “contextual advertising management”, for example.
The Wordstat service helps: in collecting the core of queries for sections of the site; construct a demand graph by seasons; understand how demand has changed; determine in which regions the demand is greater. This data can be used to select queries when launching advertisements in contextual advertising and frequent keywords when working with content on the site for promotion in search results.
Also, using seasonality information from Wordstat, it is easier to correctly distribute advertising budgets. Types of key queries Keyword queries are search words and phrases that people write when searching for products, services, and content on the Internet. Accordingly, the more popular a product is in search, the more queries it has. And the better your website or landing page is configured for these queries, the more likely it is that search engine algorithms will raise it higher in search results.
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