As the digital age has progressed, different types of markets have sought to adapt to the needs of their target audience, which has changed the way people buy and sell products. And the real estate market has changed too. The way people interact with customers, brokers and even advertise properties has changed. In this guide, you will learn how to advertise properties.
According to a survey conducted by Google, around 90% of real estate transactions begin online. As mentioned in the first paragraph of this post, the sector has followed this evolution and real estate portals have begun to seek out ways to capture the attention of their visitors.
An example of this is the virtual tours made possible by these portals, which france email database buyers to define the characteristics of the properties they are looking for in the best and most autonomous way possible. And when it comes to creating property advertisements, you need to be careful to ensure that they will be well received by interested parties.
With this in mind, we decided to write this article on a very simple topic, but one that is essential for you and your real estate company to increase your profit potential. Furthermore, even though it is a simple topic, many of your competitors do not execute it properly. It is time to get ahead of the competition. Let's go!
How to advertise properties by making the best possible ad?
We know how important it is to advertise a property in the most correct way these days, so we have put together some essential tips to help you ensure that buyers looking for properties are interested in your ads.
Improve photo quality
Do you know what the first contact a buyer has with your listing is? The property photos. These are the ones that will attract the attention of interested parties, as they are the basis for confirming the information provided. This way, you can see why a complete photo presentation is needed.
And there's no point in just staying in theory, when it comes to practice, it's important that when taking photos, you position the camera well in one of the corners of the room to be photographed. This way, it's easier to convey the depth of the environment to the buyer and thus make the experience as real as possible.
You can't forget about lighting, it's a very important point when it comes to photography. A very useful tip is that the quality of your photo is directly associated with the incidence of light, so if your goal is to get the best quality in the photos of your property, you also need to think about lighting.
It is recommended to take photographs in daylight, because at this time the lighting will give the images a more pleasant appearance. And if the home has good lighting, the photographs will be very bright, which is another positive aspect to explore in the property.
The last tip for this topic is to try to avoid taking photos with animals or exaggerated decorations. And do you know why? Because the more impersonal the photos are, the more likely they are to reach a larger audience. The idea is to make the buyer see themselves in that property, that is, imagine themselves living there. And this ends up being difficult if they don't identify with the decoration. Furthermore, never forget to photograph swimming pools, balconies and barbecue areas, as these add value to the property.
Describe the property well
We know that you want to close a deal and the faster the better, so one tip you can follow is to write a good description of your property. This way, you can ensure that buyers will have an easier time visiting the property. Try to be creative when writing descriptions, there are several of them available on real estate portals, using creativity is a differentiator to attract people.
Do you know who the potential buyers or tenants are when you advertise your property? For example, if it is located near schools, you are more likely to rent it to families with children and thus use a tone that explores the positive aspects of having a place for children to study. In cases where the property is located in beach neighborhoods, the ideal is to write a description that emphasizes the idea of comfort, relaxation and beauty, and thus attract the ideal client.
Another very important tip is to show information such as the condominium fees and property tax. If the buyer is aware of these values, he or she can calculate them and find out if the property is within his or her budget. As mentioned above, it is essential that you describe the points that add value to your property. Does it have balconies, built-in closets, is it furnished or even has a sophisticated finish? Always describe it in as much detail as possible.