There are so many possibilities with digital campaigns:

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There are so many possibilities with digital campaigns:

Post by Arzina3225 »

How can that be?
That opportunity is using (online) campaigns to create support and action for the topics you are working on. The great thing is that this can now be done in all openness: companies can create support online for their positions and find people who want to fight with them to make them a reality. No more in back rooms. No more secretly.

With modern campaigns and social media, companies and organizations have been given additional tools to do this. And it doesn’t have to be difficult. A company first chooses a topic that it finds important. Then it looks for people who agree with it. Convinces them with a good campaign to participate. Then companies and people work together to make their common goal a reality.

Some companies or organizations already do this. But not many.

There is a huge opportunity for the lobby sector to change for the better.

For example, Vandebron started a crowdfunding campaign to take over a polluting coal-fired power station from Nuon. They chose a subject that suited the company (a cleaner Netherlands) and made sure that people took action with them. There was also the anti-TTIP coalition in the Netherlands, with organisations such as Greenpeace and FNV. This coalition created a movement against the trade agreement with an online and offline campaign . Which has now been put on hold.

You can involve people in your positions and increase your support base by telling a strong story of your own.
You can target your audiences much more specifically and reach them with your story in the run-up to an important debate or event.
You can anticipate problems surrounding your topics because you can act proactively.
If you represent a group of members or have many employees, you can use an online campaign to get your members or employees to take action and fight for your issues together with you.
The benefits? There are quite a few.
It is effective, because with more you are stronger. south korea whatsapp number As a lobbyist you are no longer on behalf of one company, but on behalf of a coalition of companies, organizations and people who want the same thing.
It's more fun, because it doesn't all have to be secretive anymore.
It's good for the company because it positions itself as an ally rather than a sneaky guy who's only out for his own interests.
And most importantly, it is an opportunity for companies and organizations to have a positive impact on our democracy.


No, that doesn't directly generate money. But it is better than the backroom deals. And if it turns out to be an effective means, how would you rather achieve your goals? Secretly, on your own and at the risk of your reputation. Or in all openness, side by side with others and with a positive message.

How cool would it be if we could use a new digital approach to set up a positive and effective lobby, where people fight side by side with companies for the same issues.
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