Telegram is considered one of the most secure social networks. In hidden chats, the "device-to-device" encryption mode is activated.
Description of hidden conversations:
— Messages are not stored on servers, they cannot be intercepted. Even developers do not have access;
— the dialogue can only be opened on the device where it was created;
- messages cannot be forwarded;
— there is a timer deletion function (minimum - 1 second, maximum - 1 week);
— notifications that the interlocutor has taken a screenshot;
- opening photos only when you hold your finger on the screen.
How to create a hidden dialog
The function is only available on mobile devices in the Telegram application. To start a secret chat, you must first go to the standard dialogue, click on the interlocutor's avatar (in the upper right corner), select "more" (three dots), and mark "start a secret chat".
Create a secret chat in Telegram
Note! You can have a dialogue with a user in two Telegram chats at the same time. You can also create several secret conversations.
It is not difficult to find a hidden dialogue in the list - it is marked with a lock sign on the right side and is highlighted in green.
In this case, if you lose access to Telegram, it is impossible to restore the correspondence; the hidden dialogue is linked not to the account, but to the phone. They are deleted when you log out of the Telegram account or when a timer is set.
Where to find hidden chat in Telegram
Need to return a conversation, group, bot to the general list? Several options:
— green dialogues with a lock (secret) - cannot be russian number lookup returned, you can only delete them from Telegram, leaving the standard version of the dialogue.
— archive (at the top of the display - swipe left, click "return", the correspondence will be displayed in the main menu;
— in the folders section (above the main part of the correspondence) - if you hold down the group/dialogue line for a long time, a menu will appear, select "remove from folder".
Folders in Telegram
More details about secret or "anonymous" correspondence, as well as useful bots, can be found in the article .
WorkMode Function
In the desktop version, the method of hiding via the WorkMode control panel was previously popular. With new updates, the developers removed this option, introducing other means of hiding.
The inconvenience of WorkMode was that it worked on the desktop version of the Telegram messenger (on a personal computer), regardless of the mobile version, which prevented comfortable use of the mobile version of the application.
For more detailed information, please read:
We hope this article helped you explore the issue of hiding chats in the Telegram messenger.
"Secret" Messenger Chats
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- Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2024 3:22 am