Today, however, this value seems to be no longer sufficient, and this is why the FID was introduced to measure how long it takes a website to respond to the initial user interaction, such as a click on a button or a link.
A low FID score indicates that the page is responsive and offers a smooth user experience. Otherwise, as we saw for the LCP metric, the longer it takes to respond to the interaction, the more the value increases.
First Input Delay (FID) Score Source: Web. Dev Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is the last of the Core Web Vitals metrics and measures the visual stability of a web page. In other words, consider how many elements of the page move unexpectedly during loading.
This problem is usually due to rather argentina whatsapp long page rendering times, especially when external resources are loaded and the necessary spaces have not been previously defined. A low CLS score means not only that the page is stable and can benefit from a higher ranking score, but also that it offers a pleasant user experience and, therefore, will be more likely to convert.
In reality, a high score can be a symptom of serious usability issues that go far beyond SEO, and from personal experience, I recommend analyzing this metric more carefully. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Score Source: Web.Dev Are Core Web Vitals Really Essential? Short answer: yes.