When we hear terms like customer journey, customer journey, touchpoint or customer experience, we quickly think of B2C and much less of B2B. The purchasing behavior of customers in B2C is also different than in B2B. Traditionally, B2B purchasing processes are longer due to (for example) tender procedures and the order value in B2B is higher. This means that B2B marketers are mainly focused on the orientation phase of the customer journey and much less on things like user experience, service or customer experience.
However, the B2B Marketing Trend Report 2017 shows that B2B Netherlands wants to break through this traditional role. B2B marketers should also pay more attention to optimizing the entire customer journey . The question is: why is that a spearhead for B2B? And a second question: where are
Ideas, tips and opinions from others I trust largely determine whether or not I buy something. And these are precisely the things that dominate in online communities. That is why it is smart to consciously use an online community in the customer journey. But how does an online community influence that customer journey and in which phases do you best use it? In this article I will show that ignoring online communities is a missed opportunity.
Would you allow your marketing budget to be hong kong phone numbers stolen by companies pretending to use your apps? I don’t think so. Let me take you through identifying different types of fraud. In this article, I will present a thorough investigation into how to detect install fraud.
Fraud is a hot topic in the mobile advertising industry. Why? Because it’s everywhere and it accounts for about 15 percent of mobile marketing spend, which will grow to over $100 billion by 2017 . If you can spend that much money on attracting real users, it seems worth protecting yourself. You don’t want to pay companies that claim to have helped promote your app. Right? On the other hand, relevance is becoming increasingly important in the battle for ad space. Who are we really up against?
Types of fraud
There have been more than one attempts to categorize fraud. At Pocket Media we differentiate three (common) types.