4. Think from the customer's perspective & create a picture of the customer journey
Putting the customer first has been the mantra for a long time. But how do you approach this when it comes to branding? And which (digital) channels are important in the customer journey these days ? The way to strengthen your brand is to view the purchasing process from the customer's perspective. Mapping the customer journey offers important insights that help you better respond to the customer's objectives and pain points.
Also read: How the customer journey boosts your lead generation
Viewing the purchasing process from the customer's perspective is the way to strengthen your brand.
Not only marketing and communication influence the customer journey. Factors that are more difficult to control also have an influence. Think of salespeople, social media, in-store communication and the opinions of friends and family. Make sure you have insight into this. This way you form a complete picture of the profiles of your customer groups.
5. Close 'gaps' in your company journey
In addition to the external customer journey, as an organization you also have to deal with the company journey . These are the internal processes of an organization. It is important to connect the company and customer journey. That sounds logical and simple, but in practice they are often far apart.
Internal obstacles often also become visible externally in the customer journey, creating 'gaps'. Many organisations forget to close these. For example, when the marketing and brand departments operate separately. The brand then does not align well with the customer journey, and therefore does not convey marketing messages in the right way.
But what do you need to do to align internal processes with the demands of this era, where everything is constantly changing? It is time for a different approach, it is time for a new way of working.
Working differently is not easy for many organizations. india telegram data Where do you start? I start with a suggestion: close the online marketing department. Digital communication is leading in this day and age. Do not consider it as a separate component with its own channels, messages, target groups and brand promises. Multichannel marketing starts within the organization.
Step by step towards a new way of working
This is how you do it step by step.
Stop thinking inside the box and break down the walls of the marketing communications department. Remember that the overall business goal is the focus.
Start by defining the message and think about how you will get it out using the available sources and channels.
Set up a content map and start creating the message.
Now channel managers can optimize content specifically for selected channels.
This shift requires courage, persuasiveness and shared enthusiasm within an organization. The results will guide you to your next steps. So be flexible and quick in your adjustments, so you can continuously tailor your message to your customer. This will improve customer.